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Psychology terms starting with G

Here you will find all the terms used in psychology starting with the letter G. Our site provides information on over 25,000 psychology terms and hundreds of articles.

g G M2 gangliosidosis G protein G statistic G-LOC G-protection device G-spot G-tolerance limits GA GABA GABA agonist GABA antagonist GABAA receptor GABAB receptor gabapentin GAD GAF Scale GAI Gaia hypothesis gain score gain–loss theory gainsharing gait gait apraxia galactopoiesis galactorrhea galactosemia galanin galantamine Galton bar Galton’s questionary galvanic skin response (GSR) galvanotropism GAM gambler’s fallacy Gamblers Anonymous (GA) gambling disorder game game reasoning game theory gamete gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) gametogenesis gamma gamma alcoholism gamma coherence gamma distribution gamma motor neuron gamma movement gamma synchrony gamma wave gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) gamma-aminobutyric acid agonist gamma-aminobutyric acid antagonist gamma-cystathionase deficiency gamma-endorphin gamma-hydroxybutyrate gamonomania gang ganglion ganglion cell ganglionic blocking agent ganglionic layer ganglioside gangliosidosis ganja Ganser syndrome Ganzfeld gap detection gap junction garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) Garcia effect garden-path sentence Gardner–Diamond syndrome gargoylism GAS gas chromatography gaslight gasoline intoxication gastric motility gastric neuropathy gastrin gastro- (gastr-) gastrocolic reflex gastroduodenal ulceration gastroenteritis gastrointestinal motility gastrointestinal problems gastrula gastrulation gate gate-control theory gated channel gatekeeper gatekeeper role gateway drug gating gating mechanism Gauss–Markov theorem Gaussian distribution Gaussian noise gay gay bashing gay liberation gay marriage gay-related immune deficiency gaze gaze palsy GBMI GCS GDS GDSS Gegenhalten Geisteswissenschaftliche Psychologie gel electrophoresis gelasmus gematria Gemeinschaft Gemeinschaftsgefühl gemellology gender gender assignment gender bias gender coding gender concept gender consistency gender constancy gender differences gender discrimination gender dysphoria gender identification gender identity gender identity discordance gender identity disorder gender nonconformity gender pay gap gender psychology gender reassignment gender research gender role gender schema gender script gender similarities hypothesis gender stability gender stereotype gender typing gender-role socialization gene gene cloning gene expression gene imprinting gene knockdown gene knockout gene linkage gene mapping gene mosaicism gene mutation gene pool gene splicing gene therapy gene–environment interaction gene–gene interaction genealogy genera general ability general ability tests general adaptation syndrome (GAS) general aptitude general arousal general behavior theory general drive general effect general extrasensory perception (GESP) general factor general genetic law of cultural development General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) general knowledge test general language disability general linear model (GLM) general medical condition General Neuropsychological Deficit Scale general neurotic syndrome general paresis general practitioner (GP) General Problem Solver (GPS) general psychology general semantics general slowing general systems theory general transfer generalizability generalizability theory generalization generalization gradient generalized additive model (GAM) generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) generalized imitation generalized least squares regression generalized linear model (GLM) generalized matching law generalized motor program generalized other generalized seizure generalizing assimilation generate–recognize model generation generation effect generation gap generative grammar generativity versus stagnation generator potential generic knowledge generic name generosity genetic genetic algorithm genetic clock genetic code genetic counseling genetic defect genetic determinism genetic disorder genetic engineering genetic epistemology genetic error genetic guidance genetic linguistics genetic linkage genetic map genetic marker genetic method genetic monogamy genetic predisposition genetic programming genetic programming theory genetic psychology genetic sequence genetic theory genetic underclass genetic variation geneticist genetics genetics of intelligence genetotrophic disease geniculate nucleus genistein genital genital arousal in sleep genital character genital disorder genital herpes genital love genital mutilation genital personality genital stage genital stimulation genital zone genitalia genitality genitive genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder genitofemoral nerve genius genocide genocopy genogram genome genotype genotype–environment effects genotype–phenotype correlation gentrification genu genus geocentric theory Geodon geographical mobility geometric distribution geometric illusion geometric mean geon geophagy geostatistics geotaxis geriatric assessment Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) geriatric disorder geriatric neuropsychology geriatric psychology geriatric psychopharmacology geriatric psychotherapy geriatric rehabilitation geriatric screening geriatrician geriatrics germ cell germ layer germ line germ plasm germ theory German measles germinal stage geront- (gero-) gerontology gerophilia geropsychology Gerstmann’s syndrome Gesamtvorstellung Geschwind’s theory Gesellschaft GESP gestalt gestalt completion test gestalt grouping factor gestalt homology gestalt principles of organization Gestalt psychology gestalt therapy gestation gestation period gestational age gestational surrogate gestural communication gesture GH GHB Gheel colony ghost ghost in the machine ghost sickness GHQ ghrelin giant cell arteritis GIFT giftedness gigantism GIGO gigolo Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome Gillespie syndrome Gindler method ginkgo ginseng girdle sensation give-and-take process given–new distinction glabrous skin gland glans penis glare Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) glass ceiling Glass’s d glaucoma glia glioma gliosis glittering generalities GLM global amnesia global analysis global aphasia Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF Scale) Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) global intelligence global memory model global neuronal workspace global perception global workspace theory globalization globus pallidus globus pharyngeus glomerulus glosso- (gloss-) glossodynia glossolalia glossopharyngeal nerve glossosynthesis glottal glottal stop glottis glove anesthesia GLS glucagon glucocorticoid glucoreceptor glucose glucose transporter glucostat glucostatic theory glucuronidation glue sniffing glutamate glutamate hypothesis glutamate receptor glutamatergic glutamic acid glutamic acid decarboxylase glutamic–oxaloacetic transaminase glutethimide glycine glycogen glycosaminoglycan GNAT gnostic neuron gnothi se auton GnRH go-around go/no-go Go/No-go Association Task (GNAT) goal goal gradient goal model of evaluation goal object goal orientation goal response goal setting goal specificity goal stimulus goal-attainment model goal-based evaluation goal-directed behavior goal-free evaluation goblet figure Gödel’s proof goiter Golden Rule golden section goldenseal golem Golgi apparatus Golgi tendon organ Golgi Type I neuron Golgi Type II neuron Goltz syndrome Gompertz curve Gompertz hypothesis gonad gonadal dysgenesis gonadal hormones gonadopause gonadostat theory gonadotropin gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) goniometer (goneometer) gonorrhea good behavior game good breast good continuation good death good enough mother good enough parent good figure good genes hypothesis good gestalt good me good object good shape good-boy-nice-girl orientation good-faith bargaining Goodman–Kruskal’s gamma goodness of configuration goodness of fit goose bumps (goose flesh; goose pimples) Gordon Diagnostic System (GDS) GOS gossip Gottschaldt Figures Test government and binding theory GP GPA GPS GPT graafian follicle graceful degradation gracile fasciculus gracile nucleus gracile tubercle gradation method grade equivalent grade inflation grade norm grade points grade skipping grade-equivalent scale grade-point average (GPA) graded potential gradient gradient of effect gradient of reinforcement gradient of texture grading gradual withdrawal Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) graduated and reciprocated initiatives in tension reduction (GRIT) Grady Coma Scale Graeco-Latin square (Greco-Latin square) Graefenberg spot (Gräfenberg spot; G-spot) grammar grammaticality grand mal seizure grand mean grandiose delusion grandiosity grandmother cell grandmother hypothesis Grandry–Merkel corpuscle Granit theory of color vision granular cortex granular layer granule cell granulocyte grapevine graph graph theory graph- grapheme grapheme–color synesthesia graphemic cued-recall test graphesthesia graphic rating scale graphical user interface (GUI) graphology graphomania graphomotor apraxia graphopathology graphospasm grasp reflex gratification gratification of instincts grating gratitude Graves’ disease graviceptor gravida gravidity gravity-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) gray gray commissure gray literature gray matter gray ramus grayout GRE great chain of being great commissure great imitator great man theory greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSP nerve) Greco-Latin square Greek cross green brand greeting behavior gregariousness grid cell grid organizational development (grid OD) grief grief counseling grief cycle model grief work (griefwork) grievance Griggs v. Duke Power Co. Grip Strength Test grisi siknis grit GRIT Grit Scale grooming Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) gross motor ground ground bundle ground rules grounded theory group group abilities group acceptance group attribution error group behavior group boundary group climate group cohesion group consciousness group contagion group counseling group decision support systems (GDSS) group development group difference group dynamics group effect group experience group experiment group factors group fallacy group health plan group home group hypnosis group hysteria group identification group identity group intelligence test group interview group marriage group medical practice group mind group morale group network group norm group personal space group polarization group potency group practice group pressure group problem solving group process group relations theory group residence group risk taking group role group selection group sequential design group sex group socialization group socialization theory group solidarity group space group structure group superego group synergy group territorial behavior group therapy group-analytic psychotherapy group-centered leader group-comparison design group-randomized trial group-serving bias grouped data grouped frequency distribution grouping groupthink groupware GROW growth growth cone growth curve growth function growth group growth hormone (GH) growth motivation growth needs growth principle growth spurt GSP nerve GSR guanfacine guanine guarana guardian ad litem guardianship Guérin–Stern syndrome guess-who technique GUI guidance guidance program guidance specialist guided affective imagery (GAI) guided imagery guided participation guided performance guided-search theory guiding fiction Guilford dimensions of intelligence Guilford–Zimmerman Temperament Survey (GZTS) Guillain–Barré syndrome guilt guilt by association guilt culture guilty but mentally ill (GBMI) guilty knowledge test Gulf War syndrome Günther’s disease guru gustation gustatory agnosia gustatory encoding gustatory hallucination gustatory nerve gustatory neuron types gustatory qualities gustatory stimulus gustatory system gustatory transduction gustometer gut hormone Guttman scale gutturophonia gymnemic acid gynandromorph gynecology gynecomastia gynemimesis gynemimetophilia gynetresia gyno- (gyn-) gyrus gyrus cinguli gyrus fasciolaris GZTS

Psychology term of the day

October 23rd 2024



abbreviation for type–token ratio.