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n. the state of possessing a great amount of natural ability, talent, or intelligence, which usually becomes evident at a very young age. Giftedness in intelligence is often categorized as an IQ of two standard deviations above the mean or higher (130 for most IQ tests), obtained on an individually administered IQ test. Many schools and service organizations now use a combination of attributes as the basis for assessing giftedness, including one or more of the following: high intellectual capacity, academic achievement, demonstrable real-world achievement, creativity, task commitment, proven talent, leadership skills, and physical or athletic prowess. The combination of several attributes, or the prominence of one primary attribute, may be regarded as a threshold for the identification of giftedness. —gifted adj.

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024

defensible space

defensible space

a set of principles and guidelines for the design and planning of settings to reduce crime. Among the critical elements of defensible space are the creation of shared territories in which people have collective control, good surveillance, and markers and other symbols of ownership and primary territory. See territoriality.