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gay liberation

a social movement seeking to redress legal, social, and economic discrimination against, and advocating equal rights and acceptance for, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. Gay liberation emerged from the radicalism and social turmoil of the late 1960s and extended its political organizing activities in response to the rise of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s. Since then, it has evolved into a broad, diverse movement that includes core debates about how to achieve full equality. For example, some argue for complete integration into mainstream society and its institutions (e.g., through legalization of same-sex marriage), and others stress the essential difference of homosexual experience, culture, and identity. Also called gay lib; gay rights movement; homosexual rights movement; queer rights movement.

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024




1. a cognitive schematic structure—a mental road map—containing the basic actions (and their temporal and causal relations) that comprise a complex action. Also called script schema.

2. a structured representation consisting of a sequence of conceptual dependencies grouped together to capture the semantic relationships implicit in everyday human situations. It was designed for the purpose of computer-based story understanding. [created in 1966 by U.S. cognitive and computer scientist Roger C. Schank (1946–  ) and U.S. psychologist Robert P. Abelson (1928–2005)]

3. see prescription drug.

4. see script analysis.