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Grit Scale

a 17-item self-report measure used to assess perseverance and passion for achieving long-term goals. Participants use a 5-point scale, ranging from not like me at all (1) to very much like me (5), to rate how much they agree with statements such as “I finish whatever I begin,” “I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge,” and “My interests change from year to year.” The instrument yields an overall grit score as well as subscale scores for consistency of interest and perseverance of effort. There is also an eight-item version of the measure called the Short Grit Scale (Grit–S). [developed in 2007 by U.S. psychologists Angela Lee Duckworth, Christopher Peterson, Michael D. Matthews (1953–  ), and Dennis R. Kelly]

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024




1. a cognitive schematic structure—a mental road map—containing the basic actions (and their temporal and causal relations) that comprise a complex action. Also called script schema.

2. a structured representation consisting of a sequence of conceptual dependencies grouped together to capture the semantic relationships implicit in everyday human situations. It was designed for the purpose of computer-based story understanding. [created in 1966 by U.S. cognitive and computer scientist Roger C. Schank (1946–  ) and U.S. psychologist Robert P. Abelson (1928–2005)]

3. see prescription drug.

4. see script analysis.