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Psychology terms starting with W

Here you will find all the terms used in psychology starting with the letter W. Our site provides information on over 25,000 psychology terms and hundreds of articles.

W Waardenburg’s syndrome WAB Wada test wage compression waggle dance Wagner Act Wainwright v. Witt WAIS waist-to-hips ratio wait-list control group waiting-list phenomenon wake-promoting agent wakefulness waking center waking dream waking hypnosis Wald–Wolfowitz test Walden Two walk-in clinic walk-through performance testing (WTPT) Wallerian degeneration walleye Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) wandering wandering attention wanderlust war psychology warehousing warm spot warm stimulus warm-blooded animal warm-up warm-up effect warmth warning coloration warning overload Warrington Recognition Memory Test wash-out period Wason selection task water on the brain water regulation water-jug problem waterfall illusion watershed infarction watershed zone Watson–Glaser critical thinking appraisal wave of excitation wave-interference patterns wavelength wavelength thresholds waxy flexibility way finding Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WAYS) WBIS WCST we-group weak central coherence weak ego weak law of effect weak law of large numbers weak methods weaning weaning aggression weapon-focus effect weapons effect wear-and-tear theory of aging Weber fraction Weber–Fechner law Weber’s law Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) Wednesday Evening Society weekend alcoholic weekend hospitalization weight weight discrimination weight regulation Weight Watchers weighted application blank (WAB) weighted average weighted kappa weighted mean weighted multidimensional scaling weighting Weismannism well-being Wellbutrin wellness wellness program Welsh Figure Preference Test (WFPT) Weltanschauung Werdnig–Hoffmann disease Werner syndrome Wernicke–Geschwind model Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome Wernicke’s aphasia Wernicke’s area Wernicke’s encephalopathy Werther syndrome Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM) Westermarck effect Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) Western blot wet dream wet nurse wet-globe bulb temperature Wever–Bray effect WF WFPT WGTA Wh- question what pathway wheelchair wheelchair sport where pathway WHIM whiplash Whipple’s disease whipsawing whirl sensation whisker barrel white blood cell white commissure white light white matter white noise white rami communicantes white-collar crime white-collar worker whiteness constancy whiteout syndrome whitiko Whitten effect WHO WHO (10) Well-Being Index whole method of learning whole object assumption whole report whole-channel whole-interval recording whole-language approach whole-word method whooping cough Whorfian hypothesis Wicca Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) wide-range test Widow-to-Widow Program Wiedemann syndrome Wiener Schule wife beating wife swapping wihtigo (wihtiko) Wilcoxon rank-sum test Wilcoxon signed-ranks test Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test wild boy of Aveyron wilderness experience Wildervanck syndrome Wilks’s lambda will will disturbance will psychology will therapy will to live will to meaning will to power will to survive will-do factors Wille zur Macht Williams syndrome (Williams–Barratt syndrome; Williams–Beuren syndrome) Williams v. Florida Willie M. class action Willowbrook Consent Judgment willpower win–lose dynamic win–stay, lose–shift strategy wind tunnel windigo psychosis windmill illusion winkte winner effect Winsorized mean Winsorizing wireless WISC Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) Wisconsin General Test Apparatus (WGTA) wisdom wisdom of crowds wish wish fulfillment wishful thinking wit witch doctor witchcraft withdrawal withdrawal design withdrawal dyskinesia withdrawal reflex withdrawal-destructiveness withdrawing response withdrawn-rejected child Witherspoon excludables within-dimension attitude consistency within-groups design within-groups variance within-subjects analysis of variance within-subjects design within-subjects factor within-subjects variance witigo (witiko; wittigo) Wittmaack–Ekbom syndrome Witzelsucht WLM WMDS WMS wobble switch Wohlwill–Corino Andrade syndrome wolf children Wolf Man Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome Wolffian duct Wolman’s disease woman-centered psychology womb envy womb fantasy women’s liberation movement (WLM) Women’s Sexual Interest Diagnostic Interview (WSID) Woodcock–Johnson Psychoeducational Battery wool-hwa-byung word approximation word attack word blindness word count word deafness word fluency (WF) word of mouth word realism word salad word spurt word-association test word-form dyslexia word-fragment completion task word-frequency study word-length effect word-recognition skills word-recognition threshold word-span test word-stem completion word-superiority effect (WSE) word–gustatory synesthesia work work ethic work evaluation work group work motivation work psychology work rehabilitation center work satisfaction work system work therapy work-for-pay unit work-limit test work-sample test work-study program work–life balance work–rest cycle workaholism workflow integration working backward working forward working hypothesis working knowledge working memory Working Memory Index working self-concept working through working vocabulary workplace violence workspace workspace design workup world design World Federation for Mental Health World Health Organization (WHO) world regions worldview worm worry worse-than-average effect worship WPPSI WRAIR wraparound services WRAT writer’s block writer’s cramp writing disorder writing test wrong number technique WSE WSID WTPT Wundt curve Wundt illusion Würzburg school Wyatt v. Stickney decision

Psychology term of the day

October 18th 2024



n. a sudden, involuntary vocalization (vocal tic) or contraction of a small group of muscles (motor tic) that is recurrent and nonrhythmic. Tics may be simple (e.g., eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, grimacing, throat clearing, grunting, yelping) or complex (e.g., hand gestures, touching, jumping, echolalia, coprolalia). They may be psychogenic in origin, or they may occur as an adverse effect of a medication or other substance or result from a head injury, neurological disorder, or general medical condition.