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fixed-alternative question

a test or survey item in which several possible responses are given and participants are asked to pick the correct response or the one that best matches their preference. An example of a fixed-alternative question is “Which of the following most closely corresponds to your age: 12 or younger, 13 to 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 59, 60 to 79, or 80 or older?” A fixed-alternative question is sometimes referred to as a closed question, although this can also refer to any inquiry requesting a short definite answer (e.g., “How old are you?”). Also called fixed-choice question; forced-choice question; multiple-choice question. Compare free-response question; open question.

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Psychology term of the day

September 14th 2024




1. in classical psychoanalytic theory, the psychological manifestation of a biological instinct that operates on a conscious or unconscious level.

2. in general language, any desire or longing.