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passive-aggressive personality disorder

a personality disorder of long standing in which ambivalence toward the self and others is expressed by such means as procrastination, dawdling, stubbornness, intentional inefficiency, “forgetting” appointments, or misplacing important materials. These maneuvers are interpreted as passive expressions of underlying negativism. The pattern persists even when more adaptive behavior is clearly possible; it frequently interferes with occupational, domestic, and academic success. This disorder was classified in the appendix of DSM–IV–TR and given an alternative name, negativistic personality disorder, in accordance with the theoretical proposals of Theodore Millon. Its mention has been retained in DSM–5.

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Psychology term of the day

January 20th 2025

extrinsic religion

extrinsic religion

a religious orientation in which religiosity is largely a means to other ends, such as social morality or individual well-being, rather than an end in itself. Compare intrinsic religion. [introduced by Gordon W. Allport]