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integrated care

a consistent, systematic, and coordinated set of health care services that are developed, managed, and delivered to individual patients over a range of organizations and by a variety of associated professionals and other care providers. The approach seeks to reduce fragmented care (i.e., diagnosis and treatment by multiple unconnected and minimally communicating doctors and caregivers); to improve clinical outcomes, quality of life, patient satisfaction, effectiveness, and efficiency (ideally using evidence-based practice guidelines); and to reduce costs. The complexities underlying development of such approaches include establishing a common philosophy of assessment and treatment, developing partnership relationships, linking and planning information systems, coordinating patient flow among providers, and so forth. The efficacy of integrated care is often viewed and measured from two perspectives: that of the patient and that of the organizations and individual service providers. Although primarily associated with medicine proper, services may include mental health components (e.g., psychosocial assessment and treatment). Also called integrated medicine.

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Psychology term of the day

January 30th 2025

trauma management therapy

trauma management therapy

a treatment program intended to alleviate the anxiety and fear, manage the anger, and enhance the interpersonal functioning of combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a sequential multicomponent approach that combines (a) education, in which the client is informed about the symptom chronicity, skill deficits, and extreme social maladjustment associated with PTSD; (b) exposure therapy, in which the client reexperiences—in imagination or through virtual reality—his or her specific traumatic event during individually administered weekly sessions; (c) programmed practice, in which the client performs exposure-related homework assigned by the therapist; and (d) socioemotional rehabilitation, in which the client participates in structured, group-administered social and emotional skills training sessions. [developed in 1996 by clinical psychologists B. Christopher Frueh (1963–  ), Samuel M. Turner (1944–2005), Deborah C. Beidel, and Robert F. Mirabella and health administrator and political scientist Walter J. Jones]