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fuzzy logic

a logic-based knowledge representation scheme founded on the axiom that set membership is based on a probability distribution (as opposed to traditional set theory, in which an element is either in a set or not in that set). An example of fuzzy logic is that a certain person can be a member of the set of tall people with 75% confidence and also be a member of the set of short people with 5% confidence. Fuzzy logic also breaks the assumption of the excluded middle in philosophy, in that an element can be a member of both a set and the opposite of that set at the same time. Fuzzy logic is often used to support the design of expert systems as well as to control algorithms. [first proposed in 1965 by Romanian-born computer engineer Lotfi A. Zadeh (1921–  )]

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Psychology term of the day

September 14th 2024




1. in classical psychoanalytic theory, the psychological manifestation of a biological instinct that operates on a conscious or unconscious level.

2. in general language, any desire or longing.