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1. faithfulness to a person, group, belief, or the like.

2. the degree of accuracy of a measuring instrument or statistical model. For example, a representation derived from structural equation modeling that depicts a pattern of relationships between health attitudes and behaviors could be said to have fidelity if it accurately explains the variation and covariation in the data.

3. the degree of accuracy of sound or visual reproduction in an electronic device (e.g., a sound system, television).

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Psychology term of the day

April 27th 2024

Wilks’s lambda

Wilks’s lambda

(symbol: Λ) a statistic used in the multivariate analysis of variance to determine whether there are significant differences between the means of groups on a combination of dependent variables. It may be converted to an F ratio to obtain a significance level or be used to calculate eta squared, which is a measure of the proportion of variance in the combination of dependent variables that is explained by the independent variable. [Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964), U.S. mathematician]