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explained variance

the proportion of the variance in a dependent variable that can be determined or explained by one or more other variables. In analysis of variance procedures, the explained variance usually is given by eta squared or omega squared, whereas in prediction methods, such as multiple regression, it usually is given by the coefficient of multiple determination. Explained variance also is applied in procedures such as principal components analysis or factor analysis to describe the proportion of the variance in a measure that can be understood or predicted from a component or factor. Compare error variance.

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Psychology term of the day

September 1st 2024

transfer function model

transfer function model

1. a model used in functional magnetic resonance imaging to describe the shape of responses. A neuron receives a number of inputs, each of which comes via a connection that has a strength or weight; these weights correspond to the synaptic efficacy of the neuron. Each neuron also has a single threshold value. Activation of the neuron is determined by the weighted sum of the inputs minus the threshold. The activation signal is passed through a transfer function to produce the output of the neuron.

2. in time-series analysis, a type of model used to forecast a time series that is influenced by present and past values of other time series.