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experimental condition

a level of the independent variable that is manipulated by the researcher in order to assess the effect on a dependent variable. Participants in an experimental condition receive some form of treatment or experience whereas those in a control condition do not. For example, patients in an experimental condition may receive a new drug, whereas those in a control condition may receive a pill that looks like the new drug but is only a placebo containing some inert substance.

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Psychology term of the day

September 1st 2024

transfer function model

transfer function model

1. a model used in functional magnetic resonance imaging to describe the shape of responses. A neuron receives a number of inputs, each of which comes via a connection that has a strength or weight; these weights correspond to the synaptic efficacy of the neuron. Each neuron also has a single threshold value. Activation of the neuron is determined by the weighted sum of the inputs minus the threshold. The activation signal is passed through a transfer function to produce the output of the neuron.

2. in time-series analysis, a type of model used to forecast a time series that is influenced by present and past values of other time series.