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1. denoting an approach to the study of human cultures based on concepts or constructs that are held to be universal and applicable cross-culturally. Such an approach would generally be of the kind associated with ethnology rather than ethnography. The term is sometimes used critically of studies or perspectives that aspire to objectivity but succeed only in defining social behaviors in terms of the researcher’s own cultural values. Compare emic. [introduced by U.S. linguist Kenneth Pike (1912–2000); first used in anthropology by U.S. cultural anthropologist Marvin Harris (1927–2001)]

2. in linguistics, see emic–etic distinction.

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024

defensible space

defensible space

a set of principles and guidelines for the design and planning of settings to reduce crime. Among the critical elements of defensible space are the creation of shared territories in which people have collective control, good surveillance, and markers and other symbols of ownership and primary territory. See territoriality.