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episodic buffer

a fourth component added to the 1974 tripartite model of working memory proposed by British cognitive psychologists Alan D. Baddeley (1934–  ) and Graham J. Hitch (1946–  ). Introduced in 2000 as a further subsidiary of the central executive, the episodic buffer is a temporary multimodal store that combines information from the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad subsystems of working memory with information about time and order to form and maintain an integrated, detailed representation of a given stimulus or event that can then be deposited into long-term memory as necessary. It is “episodic” in the sense that it holds integrated episodes or scenes and a “buffer” in the sense of providing a limited capacity interface between systems using different representational codes. In addressing certain shortcomings of the original working memory model—particularly the failure to explain the process of chunking and the dilemma of linking the two distinct representational formats of the loop and sketchpad—the episodic buffer provides a means to allow multiple sources of information to be considered simultaneously, thus creating a model of the environment that may be manipulated to solve problems and plan future behavior.

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024

analogies test

analogies test

a test of the participant’s ability to comprehend the relationship between two items and then extend that relationship to a different situation: For example, paintbrush is to paint as pen is to ___.