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emotion-focused couples therapy

a form of couples therapy based on the premise that relationship problems are most often due to thwarted fulfillment of emotional needs, particularly the need for attachment. This intervention involves isolating the conflict over thwarted needs, interrupting the negative interaction cycle, reframing the conflict, and helping the partners to accept each other’s emotional experience as valid. Also called emotionally focused couples therapy. [developed in the 1980s by South African-born Canadian psychologist Leslie S. Greenberg (1945–  ) and Canadian psychologist Susan M. Johnson]

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024

defensible space

defensible space

a set of principles and guidelines for the design and planning of settings to reduce crime. Among the critical elements of defensible space are the creation of shared territories in which people have collective control, good surveillance, and markers and other symbols of ownership and primary territory. See territoriality.