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n. the interruption of blood flow due to blockage of a vessel by an embolus, material formed elsewhere and carried by the bloodstream to the site of obstruction. The embolus may be a blood clot, air bubble, fat globule, or other substance, such as a clump of bacteria or tissue cells. An embolus usually occurs at a point where a blood vessel branches or narrows. The symptoms are those associated with a disruption of the normal flow of fresh blood to a part of an organ and include pain, numbness, and loss of body warmth in the affected area. An embolus in a coronary artery may cause a fatal heart attack; in the brain, the result is an embolic stroke.

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Psychology term of the day

July 27th 2024

temperament trait

temperament trait

1. a biologically based, inherited personality characteristic.

2. a personality trait that involves emotional qualities and affective styles of behavior. It is one of three classes of source traits in Cattell’s personality trait theory, the other two being ability traits and dynamic traits.