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cycle of violence

a conceptual framework for understanding the persistence of battering relationships. The cycle has three phases: (a) a “honeymoon phase,” in which the batterer treats the partner lovingly; (b) a tension build-up phase, in which the batterer begins to display irritability and anger toward the partner; and (c) the violence phase, in which battering occurs. The phases are then proposed to recycle. As a battering relationship persists over time, the honeymoon phases shorten, and the tension-building and violence phases lengthen. Also called cycle of abuse. [proposed in 1979 by U.S. clinical and forensic psychologist Lenore E. Walker (1942–  )]

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Psychology term of the day

March 18th 2025

glucostatic theory

glucostatic theory

the theory that short-term regulation of food intake is governed by the rate of glucose metabolism (i.e., utilization) rather than by overall blood levels of glucose. See also lipostatic hypothesis. [proposed in the 1950s by French-born U.S. nutritionist Jean Mayer (1924–1993)]