Blake–Mouton managerial grid
a model of leadership in which the behavior of the leader is assessed on two dimensions: concern for production and concern for people. The leadership style of a manager is described on 9-point scales on each dimension, giving a total of 81 possible styles. The five most often discussed styles are 9,1 (high concern for production, low concern for people: authoritarian); 1,9 (low production, high people: country club); 5,5 (medium production, medium people: compromiser); 1,1 (low production, low people: laissez faire); and 9,9 (high production, high people: team leadership). Also called two-dimensional leader behavior space. See also grid organizational development. [developed in 1964 by Robert R. Blake (1918–2004) and Jane S. Mouton (1930–1987), U.S. psychologists]